Sunday, September 4, 2011

For Optimum Results, Crust Goes Best with a touch of Cello & a scoop of Sludge

Just ask these guys:

So people are probably thinking this is going to be yet another everything-Crust blog.  I promise I plan to post music from all sorts of styles or genres, but for now, I’d like to post another (shall we say “Post”)-Crust band.  Reader meet Malachi, a band which includes perhaps the coolest cello player in the Crust-core tradition. (No, I don’t know of any other cello players in Crust bands, but that’s because I’m ignorant!) This band rages on an epic scale worthy of Beowulf and the rest of the skull-crushers of the northern Germanic lands.  Malachi is not German or Nordic, however.  They’re from Milwaukee, WI and play a style best described as Doom Crust.  They sludge hard and crusty with moody-cello undertones. There are two vocalist, both male & female, which is a definite plus.  Don’t know what else to say about this other than one (or some?) of the members was in High on Crime (as well as other notable crusty, heavy bands).  Check out the following track from their 4 song self-titled LP:

If you’re eager to hear the cello clearly, skip forward to about 5 min., but know that you are impatient and probably not worthy of the epic payoff that is doom sludge... just wanted you to know that....

(Thanx to No Gods No Masters blogspot [ ] for exposing me to this record!!!)
Let me know what you think.

Here's the 4 song record:

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